Developing KubOS Modules

The top level Kubos project acts as a workspace for all KubOS RT related projects to help simplify development.

Git repositories are managed with Android's repo utility, and once the workspace is initialized, you can use repo to sync the project.

Getting started

  1. Install the latest version of Kubos SDK
  2. Clone the Kubos repo
     $ git clone
  1. Run the development environment bootstrap script to pull down all of the KubOS repositories:
     $ cd kubos
     $ ./

KubOS development environment

KubOS is a collection of Yotta modules and targets which come pre-packaged with the KubOS-SDK. They can also be built locally using the kubos link and kubos link-target commands.

Building an example application

Several different example applications can be found in the examples folder. Any of these can be easily built using the sdk.

    $ cd examples/kubos-rt-example
    $ kubos target msp430f5529-gcc
    $ kubos build

Linking in a local folder

Made some modifications to an existing module? Want to link in a new library? The kubos tool can help with that as well.

    $ kubos link /home/kubos/super-awesome-space-library
    $ kubos build

After running the kubos link command with the absolute path of a module, kubos build will pick up the module and pull it into the build process.

Synchronizing repositories

Want to get the latest source? This command will sync the local source tree with the kubos source in github.

    $ ./repo sync