Installing KubOS-SDK


Install Docker

If you don't already have Docker installed see the Docker downloads for Mac OS X or the installation docs for Linux. You should also read the prerequisites for Mac OS X or your Linux distribution specific documentation on permissions and creating a docker user group. For an example see Create a Docker group for Ubuntu Linux.

    $ docker --version

The Kubos-SDK has been tested on Docker version 1.11.1 and 1.12.0.

Install pip

pip is a python package installer and manager. From Wikipedia, "pip is a recursive acronym that can stand for either 'Pip Installs Packages' or 'Pip Installs Python'."

If pip is already installed, ensure that your version is up to date with

    $ pip --version


    $ pip install --upgrade pip

or if you have permissions issues:

    $ pip install --user python --upgrade pip

You should not need to use sudo. Similarly, you may need to upgrade other tools, such as setuptools. Further, Mac OS X's new security model ("System Integrity Protection") may make the upgrades impossible without declaring that you want to use pip as the "python" user.

    $ pip install --user python --upgrade  setuptools


    $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
    $ sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools
    $ sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel

For other Linux distributions, see the pip installation guide.

Mac OS X

Using easy_install:

    $ sudo easy_install pip

Using homebrew:

    $ brew install pip

Using macports:

    $ sudo port install py-pip pip_select

You should ensure that your PATH variable includes the directory where these executables are installed. Some software installers use the /Users/yourusername/Library/Python/2.7/bin directory, which means you would have to include this directory in the /etc/paths file (and note this file is owned by root and must therefore be edited using sudo). If kubos update or any other kubos command is not working, this change may provide a solution.

Installing Dependencies

As with most software, there are several different libraries to which KubOS-SDK needs access to enable its functionality. Some of these prerequisites are needed just to install the SDK and some are required for running the SDK.

Below are installation commands for several popular Linux distros. Those running current or very recent versions of Mac OS X should not need to install additional libraries.


    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev  wget python-dev  libffi-dev libssl-dev python-setuptools libjim-dev libdw-dev
    $ sudo yum install gcc redhat-rpm-config python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel python-setuptools jimtcl
    $ sudo zypper install gcc python-dev libffi-dev openssl-devel python-setuptools dracut systemd-sysvinit udev

Installing KubOS-SDK

The KubOS-SDK is distributed using pip. You can install using this command:

    $ pip install kubos-sdk


    $ pip install --user python kubos-sdk

(to avoid those potential permissions errors on Mac OS X).

Things should progress for a few minutes, followed by a screen that mostly looks like the following:

Image of completed install

KubOS-SDK is currently only supported in 64-bit OSX and Linux environments.

Next, start Docker's service or daemon. If you get an error that says

Error: Unable to communicate with the Docker service. Please ensure this service is running and you have permission to access it.

you have not started the Docker service.

Pull the latest Kubos-SDK Docker container:

    $ kubos update

And, as before, if the command fails, the kubos binary may not be present in your PATH variable.