Getting started with KubOS-SDK

This is intended to be a quick guide to creating a new project on top of the Kubos framework.


Install the KubOS-SDK

Creating your project

The simplest way to create a new Kubos project is by using the kubos sdk. The kubos init command takes a project name and creates the project files & folder.

    $ kubos init myproject

Note - Inside of the build system there are several reserved words, a project cannot be named any of these words. The most common of these are test, source and include.

We have also created several different example Kubos projects which can be used as starting points.

All you need to do is clone the project you want to start with:

    $ git clone myproject

Choosing a target

Once you have created a project you will need to select a target. The target defines which hardware your project will run on and how the peripherals are configured.

You can see a list of available projects by running this

    $ kubos target

For this example we will set the msp430f5529 target:

    $ kubos target msp430f5529-gcc

Building and flashing

Now that the target is set you can begin building. This command will build the current project:

    $ kubos build

You should see the Build Succeeded message! You are now ready to load your software on some hardware. Connect your hardware to your computer and run the following flash command:

     $ kubos flash

Note - You may need to run this command with sudo if you run into a permissions error.

    $ sudo kubos flash

Congratulations! You have just created a basic KubOS project, built it and (hopefully) flashed it onto some hardware.