Command and Control (C2) Daemon


The C2 daemon is a service that listens to the command line client on a pair of named pipes. The client submits a command and its arguments to be run. The daemon executes the command and returns the output.

Protocol Overview

The command line client and the daemon communicate by transferring CBOR encoded data inside of CSP packets. This allows for a dynamic protocol and for simple passing of messages with varying data payloads.

These messages are passed between a client and the daemon. A client will initiate a C2 “command transaction” by issuing a request. A transaction is comprised of a command request which is processed by the command daemon and completed when the daemon returns a response.

Daemon Input Message Format

The daemon accepts a CSP packet containing an encoded CBOR payload with the following fields:

Field Type Use
MSG_TYPE Int Designates the command type
ARG_COUNT Int The number of arguments following the command
COMMAND_NAME String The command to be run
ARGS Array An array of argument values

Daemon Output Message Format

Upon a successful command request processing and execution the daemon will respond with a CSP packet containing an encoded CBOR payload with the following fields:

Field Type Use
RETURN_CODE Int The return code of the command that was run
EXEC_TIME Double The amount of time that the command took to run
OUTPUT String The stdout of the command that was run

If there is an error that occurs while processing a command request, the daemon will return an error packet containing the following fields:

Field Type Use
MSG_TYPE Int Designates the response type
ERROR_MSG Int The description of the error that occurred