FatFS API ========= This API provides an implementation of the `FatFS filesystem `__. It creates an easy way to interact with files on a connected media device. In order to use this API, the :json:object:`fatfs ` object must be present in the project's `config.json` file. Additionally, either the :json:object:`SPI ` or :json:object:`SDIO ` child object should be included to take full advantage of the library. An example is given below: :: { "fs": { "fatfs": { "driver": { "sdio": {} } } } } This would enable the FatFS API to interface with a direct SDIO connection to an SD card. See the :ref:`sd-example` for an example of how to use this interface. .. doxygengroup:: KUBOS_CORE_FF :project: kubos-core :members: :content-only: