uart.c File Reference


USART_TypeDef * uart_dev (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to get appropriate USART_TypeDef based on uart num. More...
IRQn_Type uart_irqn (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to get appropriate interrupt number based on uart num. More...
static void uart_clk_enable (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to enable the correct uart clock based on uart num. More...
static void uart_clk_disable (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to disable the correct uart clock based on uart num. More...
static uint8_t uart_alt (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to fetch the alternate uart pin based on uart num. More...
KUARTStatus kprv_uart_dev_init (KUARTNum uart)
 Setup and enable uart bus. More...
void kprv_uart_dev_terminate (KUARTNum uart)
 uart hardware cleanup and disabling More...
void kprv_uart_enable_tx_int (KUARTNum uart)
 Enable uart tx interrupt. More...
KUARTStatus k_uart_write_immediate (KUARTNum uart, char c)
 Write a character directly to the uart interface. More...
static void uart_irq_handler (KUARTNum uart)
 Internal function to process triggered interrupt. More...
void USART1_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart1. More...
void USART2_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart2. More...
void USART3_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart3. More...
void UART4_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart4. More...
void UART5_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart5. More...
void USART6_IRQHandler (void)
 Specify interrupt routine for uart6. More...